Limnological Institute
Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
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  • The scientific-educational expedition “Baikal is a Natural Laboratory” took place

The scientific-educational expedition “Baikal is a Natural Laboratory” took place

On June 18–29, the scientific-educational expedition “Baikal is a Natural Laboratory” took place at the scientific station of LIN SB RAS in the Bolshye Koty settlement. Eighteen schoolchildren took part in the expedition, and during the 12 days they gained knowledge and practical experience in sanitary microbiology, hydrochemistry, soil chemistry, and medicine. On the last day of the expedition, all participants presented the results of their research in a creative form.

This expedition was an unforgettable experience, both for the participants and for the whole organizational and teaching staff! And for all of us, the expedition is just the beginning of work, because everyone went home with new ideas and energy! Each participant will have an interesting project on the research projects under the guidance of the staff of Limnological Institute and Irkutsk State Medical University.

Link to the yandex disc with photos

The expedition was held as part of the “My Path to Profession” project supported by the Presidential Grants Fund.