Congratulations to Bessudova A.Yu., Firsova A.D., Hilkhanova D.V., Makarov M.M., Sakirko M.V., Bashenkhaeva M.V., Khanaev I.V., Zakharova Yu.R., Likhoshway E.V. with publishing the paper in the journal Water!
Bessudova A., Firsova A., Hilkhanova D., Makarov M., Sakirko M., Bashenkhaeva M., Khanaev I., Zakharova Yu., Likhoshway Ye. Two New Species, Mallomonas baicalensis sp. nov. and M. grachevii sp. nov. (Synurales Chrysophyceae), Found under the Ice of Lake Baikal // Water. 2023. - V. 15. - p. 1-15. DOI: 10.3390/w15122250