Поздравляем команды Лимнологического института с успешным участием в соревнованиях Иркутского научного центра СО РАН по шахматам и лыжным гонкам!
The 2023 Irkutsk Scientific Center open team championship in chess was held in the evenings from January 23 to February 3 in the A.S. Apartsin Chess Club at the L.A. Melentiev Institute of Energy Systems of SB RAS. Seven teams participated: six scientific institutes and the team of the chess club. Representatives of our Institute were ranked 4-th in overall and took 3-rd place among the ISC divisions, having qualified for the blitz tournament, which took place on February 5 throughout the day, and where they managed to retake 3rd team place. We congratulate our colleagues: Evgeny Lutskin, Andrey Lopatin, Petr Alekseev, Veronika Teterina, Maria Strelova, and also thank for assistance the young chess player Ivan Shurkhovetsky (a student of Evgeny Lutskin), and a former employee of the institute Maxim Gutsol, who participated in our team, which was allowed according to the rules of the competition.
The ISC open championship in skiing, , dedicated to the Day of Russian Science, was held on February 4-5, 2023 on the Akademgorodok track in Irkutsk. The participants had to compete for two days according to the Gundersen system: run the distance on the first day in the classical style without missing the first day advantage on the second day, and, if possible, change the style to free running - in other words, on the second day there was a “pursuit race”. Representatives of our institute took the 2-nd team place among 8 ISC divisions , and individual prizes. Congratulations to colleagues: Vera Yakhnenko (1-st place in group), Petr Alekseev (1-st place), Olga Kustova (1-st place), Alexander Chebykin (1-st place), Evgeny Chebykin (3-rd place), Oksana Izosimova (4-th place), Maria Bashenkhaeva and the son of Irina Tikhonova - Ivan Makarov, a young growing biathlete. We thank Oleg Khlystov and Tatiana Grigorieva for their support on the track, photo and video shooting https://cloud.mail.ru/public/YQJg/ZU7zPhTwi