Limnological Institute
Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
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  • Congratulations to Kirill Khabudaev and his co-authors with publishing a paper in International Journal of Molecular Sciences!

Congratulations to Kirill Khabudaev, Darya Petrova, Ekaterina Bedoshvili, Elena Likhoshway and Mikhail Grachev with publishing a paper in International Journal of Molecular Sciences!

The paper is devoted to a comparative and phylogenetic analysis of diatom α-, β- and γ-tubulins including description of their groups, duplications and amino acid residues as well as to development of a model of evolution of diatom tubulins.

Khabudaev, K.V.; Petrova, D.P.; Bedoshvili, Y.D.; Likhoshway, Y.V.; Grachev, M.A. Molecular Evolution of Tubulins in Diatoms. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23, 618.