Limnological Institute
Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
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  • Congratulations to Sudakov N. and his co-authorson on publishing their paper in the journal Chemosphere!

Congratulations to Sudakov N., Klimenkov I., Bedoshvili Y., Arsent'ev K., Gorshkov A., Izosimova O., Yakhnenko V., Kupchinskii A., Didorenko S., Likhoshway Y. on publishing their paper in the journal Chemosphere!

Nikolay P. Sudakov, Igor V. Klimenkov, Yekaterina D. Bedoshvili, Kirill Yu Arsent'ev, Alexander G. Gorshkov, Oksana N. Izosimova, Vera M. Yakhnenko, Alexandr B. Kupchinskii, Sergei I. Didorenko, Yelena V. Likhoshway, Early structural and functional changes in Baikal Sculpin gills exposed to suspended soot microparticles in experiment, Chemosphere, 2021, 133241