Limnological Institute
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  • Congratulations to Bessudova A.Yu., Firsova A.D., Likhoshway Ye.V. on publishing their paper in the Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology!

Congratulations to Bessudova A.Yu., Firsova A.D., Likhoshway Ye.V. on publishing their paper in the Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology!

Bessudova A.Yu., Firsova A.D., Likhoshway Ye.V. Silica-scaled heterotrophic protists Rotosphaerida, Thaumatomonadida, and Centroplasthelida in the large continuous ecosystem connecting Lake Baikal to the Kara Sea // Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology.-2021. DOI: