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  • Installation of a second automatic monitoring station

Installation of a second automatic monitoring station

A second automatic monitoring station for measuring physical, chemical and optical characteristics of water in the littoral zone of Lake Baikal was installed during the Project "Fundementals, methods and technologies of digital monitoring and prediction of ecological situation at the Baikal natural zone" supported by the grant No 075-15-2020-787 of the Ministry of Science and High Education of the Russian Federation. The station will sample water parameters characterizing its environmental conditions each 15 minutes in the mode 24*7*365. The raw data will be delivered to the server of Limnological Institute for further processing and analysis.

The stations are installed in two areas with different anthropogenic stress: Listvyanka and Bolshiye Koty. This will allow a comparative analysis of variations of parameters during a year and detailed studies of processes that take place in the littoral zone during formation and melting of ice. The development and istallation of automatic monitoring systems will make an opportunity to obtain more up to date information for analysis and understanding the processes in the ecosystem of Lake Baikal.

Makarov Mikhail, Aslamov Ilya, Gnativsky Ruslan. November 11, 2021.

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