Congratulations to Mikhailov I., Galachyants Y., Bukin Y., Petrova D., Bashenkhaeva M., Sakirko M., Blinov V., Titova L., Zakharova Y. and Likhoshway Y. on the occasion of publication of their paper in the journal Microbial Ecology!
Ivan S. Mikhailov, Yuri P. Galachyants, Yuri S. Bukin, Darya P. Petrova, Maria V. Bashenkhaeva, Maria V. Sakirko, Vadim V. Blinov, Lubov A. Titova, Yulia R. Zakharova and Yelena V. Likhoshway Seasonal Succession and Coherence Among Bacteria and Microeukaryotes in Lake Baikal. Microb Ecol (2021).