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  • Congratulations to Zakharova Yu. and her co-authors on publishing their paper in the journal Microbial Ecology

Congratulations to Zakharova Yu. and her co-authors on publishing their paper in the journal Microbial Ecology

Congratulations to Zakharova Yu., Bashenkhaeva M., Galachyants Yu., Petrova D., Tomberg I., Marchenkov A. and Likhoshway Ye.V. on publishing their paper «Variability of Microbial Communities in Two Long‑Term Ice‑Covered Freshwater Lakes in the Subarctic Region of Yakutia, Russia» in the journal Microbial Ecology Q1

Zakharova Yu.R., Bashenkhaeva M.V., Galachyants Yu.P., Petrova D.P., Tomberg I.V., Marchenkov A.M., Kopyrina L., Likhoshway Ye.V. Variability of microbial communities in two long‑term ice‑covered freshwater lakes in the subarctic region of Yakutia, Russia // Microbial Ecology. 2021. DOI: