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  • Scientists continue to study substances that appeared in the water of Lake Baikal

Scientists continue to study substances that appeared in the water of Lake Baikal

In early August, the water of Lake Baikal near Olkhon Island was covered with a greasy black film, and a viscous substance with a pungent odor was thrown onto the shore. Less than two weeks later, in the picturesque Babushka and Peschanaya bays, the water became brightly coloured and sticky. In both cases, experts from different organisations took samples and studied the water area.

Alena NIKONOVA, chief specialist in CHROMATO-MASS SPECTROMETRY at LIMNOLOGICAL INSTITUTE SB RAS: The colour of this grey mass is mainly caused by ash from wildfires and natural bottom sediments, including sand. The oily substance itself is transparent with a slight yellowish tint.

The scientists from Limnological Insitute SB RAS thoroughly studied this dark grey viscous sticky and greasy substance with a pungent odor that covered the entire coast of Olkhon Island in early August. The study revealed acids that are not found in Lake Baikal. Hence, it was a synthetic substance. The high concentrations of similar toxic components were detected in the water samples from the lake.

Alena NIKONOVA, chief specialist in CHROMATO-MASS SPECTROMETRY at LIMNOLOGICAL INSTITUTE SB RAS: It can be a product of the paint and varnish industry. Also, such fractions of fatty acids are used in the production of surfactants and detergents.

According to the scientists, it is difficult to estimate the amount of toxic liquid in Lake Baikal and its current location. The only is evident that the composition of water in the shallow zone, as well as underwater landscape, have changed significantly in recent years. This is certainly due to human activities.

Andrey FEDOTOV, DIRECTOR of LIMNOLOGICAL INSTITUTE SB RAS: About 4 tons of natural oil enter Lake Baikal each year, and the lake is capable of assimilating it. However, the organisms responsible for this are adjusted to natural oil and not synthetic, which we observed. Here, in Lake Baikal, no organisms consume complex substances; it is energetically disadvantageous for them. We do not know what will happen next. Now, we see nothing on the coast, but you saw this oily liquid and a substance like plasticine, which definetly sank to the bottom.

In Babushka and Peschanaya bays, according to eyewitnesses, the water was not simply bright blue and mossy green but also sticky and oily. The director of Limnological Institute SB RAS believes that cyanobacterial blooms could cause these bright colours, which was also triggered by smog from wildfires. Nevertheless, scientists have yet to elucidate the true cause of this colourful phenomenon. Samples of water and soil were taken in these bays. They will be sent to Novosibirsk for analysis. The situation at Lake Baikal is under the special control of the regional governor Igor Kobzev. Additonally, air studies of the lake water area were also carried out from a seaplane.

Nikolay SAFRONOV, THE HEAD OF THE STATE ENVIRONMENTAL SUPERVISION SERVICE IN THE IRKUTSK REGION: We plan to investigate the bottom using echosounding devices to identify the sunken transport. If this is identified, diving teams will be involved. In the future, the research vessel of the Irkutsk Hydrometeorological Center will be used to study the effect of this pollution on Lake Baikal.

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