in /var/www/htdocs/temperature/vendor/yiisoft/yii2/db/Connection.php at line 603
$token = 'Opening DB connection: ' . $this->dsn; try { Yii::info($token, __METHOD__); Yii::beginProfile($token, __METHOD__); $this->pdo = $this->createPdoInstance(); $this->initConnection(); Yii::endProfile($token, __METHOD__); } catch (\PDOException $e) { Yii::endProfile($token, __METHOD__); throw new Exception($e->getMessage(), $e->errorInfo, (int) $e->getCode(), $e); } } /** * Closes the currently active DB connection. * It does nothing if the connection is already closed. */ public function close() {
* Returns the PDO instance for the currently active master connection. * This method will open the master DB connection and then return [[pdo]]. * @return PDO the PDO instance for the currently active master connection. */ public function getMasterPdo() { $this->open(); return $this->pdo; } /** * Returns the currently active slave connection. * If this method is called the first time, it will try to open a slave connection when [[enableSlaves]] is true.
* is available and `$fallbackToMaster` is false. */ public function getSlavePdo($fallbackToMaster = true) { $db = $this->getSlave(false); if ($db === null) { return $fallbackToMaster ? $this->getMasterPdo() : null; } else { return $db->pdo; } } /**
if ($this->db->getTransaction()) { // master is in a transaction. use the same connection. $forRead = false; } if ($forRead || $forRead === null && $this->db->getSchema()->isReadQuery($sql)) { $pdo = $this->db->getSlavePdo(); } else { $pdo = $this->db->getMasterPdo(); } try { $this->pdoStatement = $pdo->prepare($sql);
Yii::trace('Query result served from cache', 'yii\db\Command::query'); return $result[0]; } } } $this->prepare(true); $token = $rawSql; try { Yii::beginProfile($token, 'yii\db\Command::query'); $this->pdoStatement->execute();
* @return array all rows of the query result. Each array element is an array representing a row of data. * An empty array is returned if the query results in nothing. * @throws Exception execution failed */ public function queryAll($fetchMode = null) { return $this->queryInternal('fetchAll', $fetchMode); } /** * Executes the SQL statement and returns the first row of the result. * This method is best used when only the first row of result is needed for a query. * @param integer $fetchMode the result fetch mode. Please refer to [PHP manual](
* @throws \Exception if DB query fails */ protected function findColumns($table) { $sql = 'SHOW FULL COLUMNS FROM ' . $this->quoteTableName($table->fullName); try { $columns = $this->db->createCommand($sql)->queryAll(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $previous = $e->getPrevious(); if ($previous instanceof \PDOException && strpos($previous->getMessage(), 'SQLSTATE[42S02') !== false) { // table does not exist // return false;
*/ protected function loadTableSchema($name) { $table = new TableSchema; $this->resolveTableNames($table, $name); if ($this->findColumns($table)) { $this->findConstraints($table); return $table; } else { return null; }
} return $this->_tables[$name]; } } return $this->_tables[$name] = $this->loadTableSchema($realName); } /** * Returns the cache key for the specified table name. * @param string $name the table name * @return mixed the cache key
* @throws InvalidConfigException if the table for the AR class does not exist. */ public static function getTableSchema() { $tableSchema = static::getDb() ->getSchema() ->getTableSchema(static::tableName()); if ($tableSchema === null) { throw new InvalidConfigException('The table does not exist: ' . static::tableName()); } return $tableSchema;
* Returns the list of all attribute names of the model. * The default implementation will return all column names of the table associated with this AR class. * @return array list of attribute names. */ public function attributes() { return array_keys(static::getTableSchema()->columns); } /** * Declares which DB operations should be performed within a transaction in different scenarios. * The supported DB operations are: [[OP_INSERT]], [[OP_UPDATE]] and [[OP_DELETE]], * which correspond to the [[insert()]], [[update()]] and [[delete()]] methods, respectively.
* Returns a value indicating whether the model has an attribute with the specified name. * @param string $name the name of the attribute * @return boolean whether the model has an attribute with the specified name. */ public function hasAttribute($name) { return isset($this->_attributes[$name]) || in_array($name, $this->attributes(), true); } /** * Returns the named attribute value. * If this record is the result of a query and the attribute is not loaded, * null will be returned.
* @see getAttribute() */ public function __get($name) { if (isset($this->_attributes[$name]) || array_key_exists($name, $this->_attributes)) { return $this->_attributes[$name]; } elseif ($this->hasAttribute($name)) { return null; } else { if (isset($this->_related[$name]) || array_key_exists($name, $this->_related)) { return $this->_related[$name]; } $value = parent::__get($name);
$attributes[] = $attribute[0] === '!' ? substr($attribute, 1) : $attribute; } } foreach ($attributes as $attribute) { $skip = $this->skipOnError && $model->hasErrors($attribute) || $this->skipOnEmpty && $this->isEmpty($model->$attribute); if (!$skip) { if ($this->when === null || call_user_func($this->when, $model, $attribute)) { $this->validateAttribute($model, $attribute); } } }
if ($attributeNames === null) { $attributeNames = $this->activeAttributes(); } foreach ($this->getActiveValidators() as $validator) { $validator->validateAttributes($this, $attributeNames); } $this->afterValidate(); return !$this->hasErrors(); }
$dataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider([ 'query' => $query, ]); $this->load($params); if (!$this->validate()) { // uncomment the following line if you do not want to return any records when validation fails // $query->where('0=1'); return $dataProvider; } // grid filtering conditions
public function actionList() { $get = Yii::$app->request->get(); Yii::$app->params['language'] = $get['lang']; $searchModel = new StationSearch(); $dataProvider = $searchModel->search(Yii::$app->request->queryParams); return $this->render('list', [ 'searchModel' => $searchModel, 'dataProvider' => $dataProvider, ]); }
$args = $this->controller->bindActionParams($this, $params); Yii::trace('Running action: ' . get_class($this->controller) . '::' . $this->actionMethod . '()', __METHOD__); if (Yii::$app->requestedParams === null) { Yii::$app->requestedParams = $args; } return call_user_func_array([$this->controller, $this->actionMethod], $args); } }
} $result = null; if ($runAction && $this->beforeAction($action)) { // run the action $result = $action->runWithParams($params); $result = $this->afterAction($action, $result); // call afterAction on modules foreach ($modules as $module) { /* @var $module Module */
$parts = $this->createController($route); if (is_array($parts)) { /* @var $controller Controller */ list($controller, $actionID) = $parts; $oldController = Yii::$app->controller; Yii::$app->controller = $controller; $result = $controller->runAction($actionID, $params); Yii::$app->controller = $oldController; return $result; } else { $id = $this->getUniqueId(); throw new InvalidRouteException('Unable to resolve the request "' . ($id === '' ? $route : $id . '/' . $route) . '".');
$params = $this->catchAll; unset($params[0]); } try { Yii::trace("Route requested: '$route'", __METHOD__); $this->requestedRoute = $route; $result = $this->runAction($route, $params); if ($result instanceof Response) { return $result; } else { $response = $this->getResponse(); if ($result !== null) { $response->data = $result;
try { $this->state = self::STATE_BEFORE_REQUEST; $this->trigger(self::EVENT_BEFORE_REQUEST); $this->state = self::STATE_HANDLING_REQUEST; $response = $this->handleRequest($this->getRequest()); $this->state = self::STATE_AFTER_REQUEST; $this->trigger(self::EVENT_AFTER_REQUEST); $this->state = self::STATE_SENDING_RESPONSE; $response->send();
require(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'); require(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/yiisoft/yii2/Yii.php'); $config = require(__DIR__ . '/../config/web.php'); (new yii\web\Application($config))->run();
$_GET = [ 'r' => 'station/list', ]; $_COOKIE = [ 'language' => 'ru', ];