enclosed bathymetric and topographic maps are based on 2,275,808
data points. Of these, 1,312,788 (57.7 %) are water-depth points in the
lake, 75,685 (3.3 %) are coastline points, and 887,335 (39 %) are onshore
elevation data. distribution
map of data points in .pdf format |
Coordinates of the data points are in Mercator projection, WGS 1984 Ellipsoid. The units of measure are meters rounded-off integer. The true-scale latitude for all the generated maps is 53° 00’ N.
The bathymetric and topographic maps were
generated using the EarthVision®
software (version 5.1).
The data points were combined
into a 2D grid, which -in fact- represents the merging of two separate grids
with initially different grid spacing (depending on the distribution and density
of the original data points). EarthVision®
used a 2D minimum tension gridding algorithm to calculate a smooth
surface, which is the best fit to the input data values, by using a bicubic
spline technique.
2D grid was then used by
to obtain the following set of maps and data sets of
the morphology of Lake
Baikal and its surroundings:
Contour bathymetric map
Colour bathymetric map
Slope map
Shaded-relief map
Colour shaded-relief map
3-D images
calculations of surfaces and volumes
The contour maps still exhibit a number of small artifacts (i.e. isolated closed contours, especially at crests and along sudden slope changes). This are due to some technical characteristics of the applied gridding algorithms.
The CD-Rom consists of a series of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) pages and hypertext links, located in the "Web" directory of the CD-Rom. The base page, is the file "start.html" located in the main directory of the CD-Rom. To use the data set on this CD-Rom, load the file "start.html" using an HTML browser such as Netscape® or Microsoft Internet Explorer®. All text materials related to the data set are accessible directly from the base page.
The maps and figures are also accessible from the base page, via hypertext links. By clicking on the links, the corresponding map or figure will be opened in a separate browser window.
Most maps on this CD-Rom exist in two formats:
Non-map figures on this CD-Rom usually exist in .jpg image file format only.
the INTAS Project 99-1669 Team, October 2002.
For more information contact: