Under group members supervizing:
- INTAS-SB RAS grant "Synthetic models for biosilicification" (2007-2009).
- Government contract 02.512.11.2215 with the Federal Agency for Science and Innovations of the Russian Federation "Development of the method for the preparation of hierarchical micro- and nano-structured sorbents for chromatography and catalysts based on diatom siliceous frustules" (2008-2009) supervised by acad. M.A.Grachev
- RFBR grant 06-03-32931-a "Modeling of biosilicification processes and synthesis of nanomaterials: polymerization of silicic acid under the influence of polymeric bases" (2006-2008).
- Grant of the Royal Sosciety (the United Kingdom) for visiting and joint research activities (2007-2009).
- Foundation for the Assistance to the National Science - Grant for young doctors of Science (2007-2008).
- Participation in the International Conference on Nanotechnology and Applications (NANA 2008) of the International Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED), RFBR, 2008.
- Integration project of SB RAS #39 "Application of FEL terahertz radiation in the study of physicochemical and biological properties of nano-objects of different nature" (2009-2011).
- RFBR grant 11-04-00707a "Targeted synthesis of luminescent-labeled biogenic molecules and silica precursors: a new approach to understanding the mechanisms of formation of siliceous structures in living organisms and the development of promising materials" (2011-2013).
- Government contract #Ï1474 with the Federal Agency for Science and Innovations of the Russian Federation "Creation of heterocyclic polynuclear non-condensed systems as monomers for non-traditional synthetic approaches to polymers of various design".
- Grant of ERA.Net RUS (FP7) - SB RAS #153 SILICAMPS "Bioinspired synthesis of silica materials and nanocomposites based on smart polymers as matrices" (2012-2014). More...
We intend to create new silica and composite nanomaterials based on linear and star-shaped block-copolymers that become building blocks for (non-)covalently bound supramolecular self-assemblies of nano, micro and macro size. External conditions necessary for self-assembling and disassembling (temperature, pH, ionic strength, polarity and solvent composition) will be analysed. Using the manageable intermolecular self-assembling, we will prepare new functional nanoscopic objects and materials with activity towards preferential condensation of silicic acid in presence of amphiphilic polymers. The actual internal structure in respect to expected structure will be investigated experimentally (light scattering, NMR, rheology, electron microscopy).
- RFBR grant 14-04-01859a "Experimental study of biosilicificating organisms: molecular mechanisms of silicon assimilation, taxonomy, new composite materials". More...
The project is devoted to the experimental study of diatom algae and siliceous sponges using specific markers as well as the development of approaches for gentle removal of diatom siliceous cell walls. The work includes the following main efforts: to work through the procedure of the diatom frustules "soft" opening by the high-frequency ultrasound generated by the action of a terahertz free electron laser; to develop the syntheses of fluorescently tagged carboxyl-containing oligomers (up to 30 ~COOH groups) for studying siliceous sponges at the stage of entire organism as well as the stage of cell cultures (primmorphs).
- RFBR grant 14-03-31644 ìîë_à "Organosilica nanoparticles: a form of existence of biogenic silicon and precursors of new composite materials" More...
It is planned to synthesize a number of phosphorus-containing polymer ampholytes structurally more related to silaffins (modified proteins supposedly involved in the formation of biogenic silica) than existing synthetic polymers. The condensation of silicic acid in the presence of the new polymers, the structure and properties of the formed composite materials will be studied.
- Ãðàíò ÐÔÔÈ 16-04-00799à "Long chain polyamines in living nature: identification, synthesis of analogs, properties and experimental modeling of the biogenic silica formation." (2016-2018) More...
The project is a part of the interdisciplinary activity aimed at establishing the mechanisms of how living species form highly ordered siliceous structures (frustules of diatom algae, spicules of siliceous sponges) and utilization of the acquired knowledge to design new materials via bioinspired methods. A number of long chain polyamines containing up to 20 and even more nitrogen atoms in their chains have earlier been isolated from some marine silicifying organisms. These compounds play an important role in the formation of biogenic silica but their insufficient scrutiny obscures this role. Oligomeric and polymeric amines have a characteristic ability to interact in multiple points with polymeric acids including silicic acid condensation products. These interactions determine the reactivity of polyamines towards biopolymers and control the formation of biosilica. The project objective is to clarify the structure of the biogenic polyamines, reveal regularities of interpolymer reactions with their involvement, and experimentally model the biosilicification processes.
- RSF-DST (India) grant #16-45-02001 "Development of novel core-shell polymeric polyplexes with multi-modal action against lung cancer" (2016-2018) More...
Lung cancer, especially the invasive form, is prevalent in India and Russia and current therapeutic strategies are insufficient to extend the survival period of the patients and annihilate the cancer. Gene therapy offers a promising strategy that can prevent the invasiveness of lung cancer thereby improving the survival prognosis for the patients. The success of gene therapy primarily depends on the carrier system employed. An effective carrier is necessary to ensure complete complexation of the siRNA, enable site-specific internalization in to lung cancer cells, escape from the endosome and release the siRNA in to the cytosol. The present work explores the effectiveness of two types of carrier systems for delivery of anti-VEGF siRNA to silence VEGF expression in cancer cells. The results of the project will pave way for the emergence of next generation of polymeric gene delivery systems. Their potential will be estimated with in vitro and in vivo models of lung cancer using specific si-RNA for gene silencing. The impact of the project is not restricted to lung cancer treatment but also includes other gene silencing approaches and genetic engineering. As the polymeric components proposed to be used in this work have demonstrated adjuvant action against some proteins in earlier work by the Russian team, the evaluation of the polyplexes for adjuvant action against MUC-1, a glycosylated transmembrane protein overexpressed in lung cancer that has been implicated in invasiveness and aggressiveness of the cancer, will be another unique outcome of the project. The ability to serve as a gene delivery vehicle besides demonstrating adjuvant properties confers multi-modal action to the polymeric carriers explored in this work. The results of the project will open new vistas for the use of these carriers for drug/gene delivery applications for addressing other complications also.
- RSF grant #22-15-00268 Polymeric and supramolecular systems with multiple stimulus sensitivity for biomedical applications (2022-2024) More...
Living organisms at the levels of individuals, individual cells and subcellular structures function via complex macromolecules and supramolecular associates which are capable of changing their structure and properties dramatically in response to various signals from the environment. Synthetic polymers and supramolecular systems are actively studied as models of living systems and tools for solving various tasks in experimental biology and medicine. For example, systems that undergo conformational transitions, dissociation or association upon temperature changes within one degree or pH changes within 0.5 unit may be of interest for drug delivery. Such sensitivity makes it possible to design drug release in a diseased organ or affected cells whose characteristics differ from normal ones. Changes in "smart" systems can also be induced by the action of light of a certain wave length that gives additional possibilities for the control.
The key feature of this project is the use of synthetic polyamines containing up to 20 or more nitrogen atoms in the chain. Short polyamines (spermine, spermidine, etc.) are present in almost all organisms to stabilize the structure of nucleic acids and ensuring their conversions. Longer polyamines play an important role in silicon assimilation and transport in diatoms and other siliceous organisms. Biogenic and bioinspired polyamines are scarcely used in preparation of synthetic polymers and supramolecular structures. It is noteworthy that the applicants developed unified approaches to the synthesis of polyamines of a given structure with controlled hydrophobicity/hydrophilicity adjustable by varying the length of alkyl substituents. These synthetic methods are quite economical, do not include complex stages of introduction and removal of protective groups, and allow easy grafting of polyamine chains to hydrophilic polymers.
The present project aims at the design of photo-, thermo- and pH-sensitive systems based on bioinspired polyamines. Three types of structures are suggested: i) oligomeric polyamines containing photosensitive groups and capable of forming thermo- and pH-controlled associates in aqueous environments; ii) more complex systems based on water-soluble polymers with grafted polyamine chains; iii) hydrogel compositions cross-linked by covalent, ionic or hydrogen bonds. Photosensitive groups will be used to control changes in polyamine chain length, crosslinking degree of hydrogels and acid-base properties of the compositions. The spectral range of photosensitive fragments are to be expanded to cover applications inside living organisms. To do this upconversion particles will be introduced into the final compositions to convert long-wave radiation with good penetrating into living tissues to shorter-wave radiation appropriate to the photoactive centers.
A physicochemical study of the obtained oligomers and polymers will make it possible to select the systems which exhibit sensitivity within physiological temperatures and acidity. Their ability to immobilize reversibly nucleic acids and hydrophobic compounds, including drugs (docetaxel, tetracycline, vancomycin), will be studied. In addition to drug delivery agents, it is planned to test new compounds as bactericidal agents, substrates for cell culture growth, and photo-switchable gels for electrophoretic separation of biopolymers.
The scientific novelty and relevance of the project are resulted from the absence of similar synthetic systems and a high potential to be applied in design of new drugs and biomedical technologies. The project is expected to result in preparation of interesting and useful "intelligent" polymers and oligomers as well as development of a number of universal approaches to the design of such systems.
With group members participation:
- RAS program (base funding) 0345-2014-0001 Study of the genetic, molecular, evolutionary and environmental aspects of Chromista kingdom representatives as the major producers of biogenic silica and participants of the biogenic elements cycle in aquatic ecosystems. More...
The model of how siliceous nanoparticles behave in aqueous phase will be amplified to describe the formation of frustules under the influence of cytoskeleton and simultaneous dehydration by means of aquaporins. The relationship between the ability of siliceous particles to condense during the dehydration and their structure and charge will be revealed.
- Government contract # 02.434.11.7116 with the Federal Agency for Science and Innovations of the Russian Federation "Study of the spicule proteins involved in the freshwater sponge biomineralization process".
- Program of the RAS Presidium # 18.4. "Morphological and molecular evolution of ancient systems of silicon biomineralization".
- Program of the RAS Presidium # 10.4. "Molecular and cell mechanisms of the synthesis of diatom siliceous frustules".
- Fundamental research program of the RAS Presidium "The bases of the fundamental researches of nanotechnologies and nanomaterials" # 27. Project "Incorporation of silicon chemical analogues into diatom frustules: study of the biosilicification mechanisms as a way to new nanomaterials" (2009-2012).
- Made-to-order integration project of the SB RAS Presidium # 4 "Nanotechnology platform for the nucleic acid research" (2009-2011).
- SB RAS project # 65 "Development and testing of a platform for the rapid real time single molecule DNA sequencing using fluorescent analogs of the substrate in fifty zeptoliter nanoreactors" (2012-2014).
- 19. The RAS Presidium program "Molecular and cell biology", project 6.3 "Molecular and cell mechanisms of the synthesis of diatom siliceous frustules" (2008-2012).
- Contract # 522/2011 with JSC Sibgiprobum for 2011 to perform environmental activities of the 1st stage of the research work on "Inventory of the Baikal natural territory objects which have accumulated environmental damage resulted from the past economic activity."