Rines, J., Plankton Theater
This is a remarkable movie of Bacillaria, since it portrays a cloud of nearly transparent material around the colony that moves with the colony and moves objects that the cloud touches. Some small particles in the cloud are also apparent. Whether or not the cloud provides any force against the colony, or has a role in its synchronization, is unknown.
Rines, J., Plankton Theater, Bacillaria paxillifera, a motile, colonial pennate diatom, Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island, Fall [movie], 2001, Stored in archive of Limnological Institute SB RAS, Irkutsk, Russia,
http://lin.irk.ru/nanochem/diatom_movies/files/Rines2001 Plankton.mov.
Rines2001 Plankton.mov
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