This CD-Rom contains a new computer-generated bathymetry map of Lake Baikal (Russia). It also contains a series of thematic maps and image files illustrating specific features of the Baikal lake-floor morphology. It is the result of about 2.5 years of compiling, correcting and processing bathymetric sounding data from the lake by an international team of hydrographers, hydrophysicists and geologists. Shoreline and onshore topography data have been combined with bathymetry data for ease of integration between on-land and in-lake elevation information.

Use the above buttons to go directly to the new bathymetric maps, 3D images, other images, or new morphometric data about the lake, or to obtain information about the background of the project and the technical aspects of the work performed.

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For cite use: De Batist M., Canals M., Sherstyankin P., Alekseev S. & the INTAS Project 99-1669 Team, 2002. A new bathymetric map of Lake Baikal.

© the INTAS Project 99-1669 Team, October 2002.
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